Legacies and Bone Yards

Yesterday’s Dog and Pony show was precipitated by a request from the outgoing School Trustee.  He had made Technology a priority when he first took on the massive job of restructuring our entire district.  The term he used was that our district was filled with “Legacy” equipment.  This evokes images of Classic Cars and Heritage Homes, but in reality refers more to old, out-dated and obsolete.

I was reminded of the term today when I visited the electronics teacher at the high school.  I asked him if he ever wanted “legacy” computer equipment that had be taken out of circulation, even if it wasn’t working any longer.  His eyes lit up in that way that teachers have and he showed me the disassembled guts of an old tower that had been scavenged by his students.  The motors out of optical drives. Switches and connectors. Circuit boards. All can be repurposed in new projects–in this case, a solar-powered Bobble Head figure. Now.. that is a Legacy…

Operation Legacy Successful

Operation Legacy Successful

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